These days, loans are a problem faced by most people. Regardless of the cause, ranging from emergencies, hospital bills, educational fees, or credit card usage; debt management is a tasking undertaking. But the correct planning and, more importantly, the correct attitude towards the organization of managing one’s personal finance can help minimize and ultimately eradicate it.
Here in this blog, let us take a look at five best real-world approaches of dealing with and minimizing debts to help you get such control over your financial matters.
1. Create a Detailed Budget
It is known that one of the most efficient ways to address debt is through the use of a budget. Budgeting can assist one in knowing the expenditure and which sector one can explain away as unnecessary hence can reduce it. Here are the steps to create an effective budget:
- Track Your Income and Expenses: Starting with the gross income, it is required to take a list of all sources of income and all the monthly expenses. This should capture both fixed expenses such as rent and/or utility bills and variable expenses such as food and/or entertainment expenses.
- Categorize Your Spending: Categorize your expenses in the broad categories which include fixed expenses which are those expenses that cannot be changed such as rent, mortgage as well as utilities while the Variable expenses include those expenses which can easily be changed and are usually in the nature of, groceries, entertainment as well as dining out.
- Identify Areas to Cut Back: Seek out categories that you can cut down your expenses. For instance, you might discover that you can cut on the expenses if you ate more meals at home instead of ordering from a restaurant.
- Set Spending Limits: There should be set budgets for each of the categories of expenses and the limits should not be exceeded. This will in turn assist you in avoiding situations where you spend more and leave less to meet your credits.
- Review and Adjust Regularly: A budget should not be a static thing which has been created and is put on a shelf to gather dust, but rather should be updated at least weekly in accordance to the changes in income and expenses.
2. Prioritize Your Debts
One should ensure that he or she organizes the debts in order to ensure that the efforts put into paying the debts yield the best results. Two popular methods for prioritizing debt repayment are the debt avalanche method and the debt snowball method:
- Debt Avalanche Method: This means, the one which charges the highest amount of interest is to be paid while one only pays the minimum amount on the other debts. After you have completely cleared the highest interest debt possible, look for another debt with a slightly lower interest rate. This strategy helps in reducing the interest that would be paid in the long run.
- Debt Snowball Method: In this method of credit card repayment, you target only to pay off the smallest of all credit card debts while paying only the minimum amount on the other credit cards. After paying the small amount of debt, proceed to the next debt in the list of debts. It also has a psychological effect of a sight of debts being cleared in a short and resultant certain free cash flows.
3. Consolidate Your Debts
Debt consolidation means taking one or more debt plans and rolling them into a new bigger loan that charges a smaller interest. This strategy can reduce your debt load and possibly the overall amount of interest you will be charged as well. Here are some ways to consolidate debt:
- Personal Loan: Borrow a personal loan with a cheaper interest to and clear your existing debts and balance. There is just one equal monthly installment to be paid on the personal loan made to the client.
- Balance Transfer Credit Card: Pay off credit card balances that attract high-interest rates and transfer to another credit card. To avoid the high interest rates make sure that one clears his balance before the period of the low rate it offers elapses.
- Home Equity Loan or Line of Credit: If you own a home you may want to use the Home Equity Loan or Home Equity Line of Credit to pay off the debts. It has lower interest rates to offer but the agreements can be made using the clients’ home as security.
4. Increase Your Income
It can help to boost your ability to pay-off the debts faster by improving your income apart from the existing one. Here are some ideas to boost your income:
- Side Hustles: As such intending to look for an extra job in order to earn some other source of income. Some common examples of part time businesses include working as a driver / delivery / for hire, freelance writing, graphic design and tutoring.
- Sell Unused Items: Simplify your household, and look for a buyer in certain products with the help of eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace.
- Rent Out a Room: If you own a home and you have some rooms which are vacant, you can use them to let and thereby supplement your income.
- Ask for a Raise or Promotion: If you are in your current job for some time, need a change but you are performing very well you should request for a pay rise or a promotion.
To service these new sources of income, one needs to apply the additional cash in paying a larger amount to the amount owed thus reducing the balance.
- Seek Professional HelpIn this case, if you seem to be drowning in too much debt then consulting with a specialist may be the best course of action. Here are some options:
- Credit Counseling: Credit counseling organizations that are non-profit can provide free or very cheap services for the development of the plan for the management of debts, negotiations with the creditors, and financial literacy for the client.
- Debt Settlement: Debt settlement companies come into agreement with the creditors to lower the total amount you need to pay. Although this can adequately bring down your debt, it can affect your credit standing and comes with other charges.
- Bankruptcy: Finally, getting a bankruptcy status can help free one from large and unbearable debts. It is a process that takes a long time and has repercussions in the future, therefore, seek the advice of a bankruptcy lawyer to understand the repercussions and whether you should go for the option.
Wrapping Up!
The issue of management and reduction of debts is usually instilled with discipline, strategy, and sometimes assistance from experts in that area. A well-stated budget, taking order on the debts, consolidating the debts available, looking for more income, and finally consulting may help in management and finally have the goal of eradicating all the debts.